所有权: proprietary rights; ownershi ...专利权: patent right; patent; monopo ...专利权, 专有权: exclusive right专利所有权: license; title to patent专利权所有人: patentee专利所有权者: licensee专利权: patent right; patent; monopoly; subject of numerous patents 持有专利权 hold [own] a patent right; 专利权持有人 holder of the patent right; 专利权法 patent laws; 专利权管理局 patent office; 专利权合作条约 patent corporation treaty; 专利权立法 patent legislation; 专利权期限 duration of patent right; 专利权人 patentee; 专利权使用费 patent royalty; 专利权使用权协议 patent license agreement; 专利权使用(许可)协议 licensing agreements; 专利权所有人 patentee; 专利权转让 assignment of the patent right专利专利权: patent专利,专利的,专利权: patent专利权所有人和发明者学会: institute of patentees and inventors产品专利权: product patent撤销专利权: revocation of of patent持有专利权: hold a patent right独家专利权: exclusive licence; exclusive patent rights独立专利权: exclusive license独占权,专利权: exclusive privilege发明专利权: patent for invention放弃专利权: abandon a patent; abandon patent; wwabandonment of a patent交换专利权: cross-licensed进口专利权: import licensing绝对专利权: exclusive patent滥用专利权: abuse of patent; misuse of patent女专利权人: proprietress欧洲专利权: europatent侵犯专利权: infringe upon patent right; infringement of a patent; infringement of patent rights; infringement on the patent right; patent piracy; piracy of patent right